Centerpiece Series / 2016 - present
This course leads each student through building, shaping, and carving wood and creating their own personalized dinner-table-bowl with power/hand carving techniques and Peter’s unique glue-up methods.
This class will show you a fun way of putting many flat smaller pieces of wood together and building a structure into a large organic free form. With this technique, each student will build a large dinner-table size centerpiece bowl starting from a flat board of lumber.
This class will provide you the opportunity to learn how to use hand carving tools (ex. gouge, rasp, file, scraper, etc.) and power tools (ex. angle grinder, die grinder, jointer, circular saw, band saw etc.) in a safe and proper manner. You will also learn unusual and unique glue-up techniques to build-up random pieces of wood using tools other than clamps.
These techniques will be explored by making your own dinner-table bowl. Afterwards, you will be free to explore the technique and develop your own ideas. Come have fun with us carving and shaping wood and see what you can do with it!